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Which avenue will best  aid     
business for growth?


Discounts Available For Each Avenue #TBA Offers Below When You Choose To Fundraise for BBBS*

Thee Business Aid

A Grass Roots Networking Start-up:
Promote Locally, Market Digitally & Grow Holistically  


See Plans
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Hi, I'm Alexandria,
a Skilled University of Michigan Grad & Support Professional

#TBA is about growth and provides a "Lyft" to your business's sales & generated income through thee  avenues we offer above.


Lets form a network of support for the youth in our community via our collaboration in business where half of your purchase of a contracted business plan goes to 'Big Brothers Big Sisters' (BBBS).

Thank you for stopping by! Please reach out & I look forward to connecting with you.

                                 -Founder of TBA

The Harvard Business Review

“Digital marketing is becoming more and more important for businesses, especially entrepreneurs. This book will assist entrepreneurs in setting up and executing a digital marketing strategy to reach the goals they have set for their startups.”
Young Businesswomen
"I received my bachelors of science from the University of Michigan and I've found that all of my skills acquired from my time at U of M Ann Arbor have proven to be an excellent boon of support to CEO's and their businesses! After the pandemic hit, I decided to expand and focus on my newly acquired skills from some of the incredibly
*innovative online courses  I took over the pandemic - which you can see below."

Alexandria J. Schulz, Founder of 'Thee Business Aid LLC'


Online Courses I've Taken & More About My Background 

Image by AbsolutVision
What We Offer
Staff Meeting
Colleagues Working Together
Group Seflie
Local Business Partners
Business Meeting
Business Colleagues
Business Handshake
Giving a Hand

Personal Blog

  • LinkedIn


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( Regular Outdated form of Employment )



(Purchased Business Plan with TBA)

 It's That Simple.

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Okay, it's not an actual ride to some Google maps location, but a  "Lyft"  to your chosen destination for you & your business.


 FYi: psst...Hiring a contracted service, like TBA, with a plan has more benefits & is the correct, new and innovative route. Don't get left behind in the dust w/ the old way of thinking!

It's That Simple 1

Basic Plan:

  • 1st Month OFF Contract!*

  • 1k  /per Week

  • 8hrs  /per Week (plan hrs still apply)

  • FIXED: Scheduled hrs 

  • Deposit: 0 Down 

  • 24hrs/Month

  • 70% OFF ADDITONAL* Hours @ Full Time*
    6 months


If you flew out on vacation and wanted to have a good time - scratch that - an AMAZING time, most likely you'd book a car for an extended length of time...

Say it's just a week - Just as you would book a car for the entire week you can book TBA for a couple months. Yep! It's that simple.
For that week, for a standard economy car you'd pay around $500 and the car only comes with 31 miles for that week; while any number of miles above that ( >31mi+ ) is an additional* cost.

Well that's pretty much how all our plans work with TBA!

And that's the gist of our 'Basic Plan' - $500 a week to #TBA for 8 hours a week & any hours above that and/or above your plan's allotted monthly amount of hours is an additional* cost.  Simple enough! 

While the other $500 will be your business's savings plan as a Tax Break Incentive when you choose to give it to 'Big Brothers Big Sisters' (BBBS).

(see plan details)

*NEW! : (Remote Work Only)
No cap on weekly hours!

Basic, Executive & Advanced...

It's that simple 2
3* Plans Total. A six month, three month, and one year plan. Some with more hours each month, others with a deposit for assurance purposes for both parties, and even incredibly useful *BONUSES to boot!

Some of these *BONUSES even include up to 85% OFF on the 'Additional Hours' cost when you book TBA at Full Time!

And what makes #TBA special…
Basc, Exec,Adv

Why Purchase 
A Plan?

Learn More about our
Bookable Plan's Contra


Check out the Plan Details below

That sets us apart from other businesses, and why you should choose to go with one of  our plans for your staffing needs  is...

Our built in Tax Break Incentive and specified timeframes for labor with our plans - Which is not present in the regular outdated form of employment,
when you decided to give the other half to 'Big Brothers Big Sisters' (BBBS) and collaborate with #TBA.

Essentially, a built in savings plan that also secures labor for your business for a set time, that is privately contracted, and can  think ahead for the long-term  vs. the short term. Now that’s smart!
It' that simple 3

Okay, as you see now, it's not an actual ride to some google maps location. But a...

"Lyft"  to your chosen destination for you & your business. 

So, if you want more support in terms of filling in the holes in the schedule, *Staffing Retention  that keeps turn-over low, help with finding someone with the credentials that is the perfect fit, even marketing and ramping up your business into the digital space, or of course other important projects you would like assistance with - TBA has you covered!

Please take a look at what we have to offer in our plan details ;especially because most of what we have to offer has more long-term benefits vs. the short-term. We are all about looking ahead and planning accordingly for growth

We truly look forward to connecting with you!


"Sometimes, we can all use a Lyft."

Life is pretty long with it's twists & turns and let's face it - it  will  most definitely take you for 
a ride. So in the meantime lets do what we can and make it as smooth as possible.

Heart Thank you

Thank You.

 Staff Your Business With  Our Network! 

Learn more about each member in our network here in our blog* or book a 1-on-1 below! 

Alexandria J.

Alexandria J.

Entrepreneur & Founder of #iluvTBA

Select a  business plan  (i.e. contract) to save money  - Today!

Why Purchase
A Plan?

Thank you for exploring our site and your willingness to learn more about the plans. What works for you?

Book An In-Person Meetup
Overviewing our services here


Support We Offer

Administrative Support

Printing, faxing, scanning, typing, spreadsheets, scheduling, memos and more...Oh my! As well as all of the other organizational related tasks - you name it!

Admin support and organization


...As the founder, thee front desk admin experience I've acquired will bring clarity to your business's operations when things get busy. Our network SHOWS UP to aid you in catching up on some of those loose ends.

Project Collaboration & Fundraising*

What does it mean when someone genuinely enjoys innovation?


It means they're a little eccentric...But in an Einstein good kind of eccentric way!


Yes, we're human and we have our quirks.
Don't you? Or are you a robot?!   

However, it's true. I really enjoy working on the innovation that comes with project collaboration, particularly ones that involve digital & local marketing angles. Not to mention Graphic Design, E- Commerce & so much more! 

*When we chat, please ask me more!
(additional* costs may apply)

All of which is geared toward bringing in more revenue to you & your business all while providing support to our kid's mental health by fundraising via our collaboration.<3


Customer Support

Bring'em on!

We Love people.

As vicious as some people can be, and boy do I  know, I still genuinely enjoy the company of people overall.

Personally, I'm naturally upbeat and because of that I have been seriously trying to balance it out.

Incredibly, I've found the happy medium.

We've all had problems with people, no matter how sweet and courteous some of us can be -

Sometimes, it just takes a certain level of patiencefinesse. that inherently comes with certain types of personalities.

Luckily, we have both.


Local Promotion & Digital Marketing

The new frontier! 

Social media is a beast of it's own - are you up for the fight? 

Really? If you answered "yes"... How with the million and 1 things you have to do, in order to just run the basic functions of your business - does it leave you any time to battle the Meta Verse, Facebook, Tik Tok...and the like?  

It doesn't.
And the list goes on! Let someone else figure it out for you and your business. We're here for support and to aid your business in the social media marketing & local promotion process.
(additional* costs may apply)

Data & Research

More spreadsheets & numbers to crunch through?

Brainstorming on how or what to do

Again, luckily I do have the U of M superpower of research.

When you decide to invest in our network, I am more than happy to invest in you and your business. Let's get down to the bottom of it - What needs to be done so your business can continue to thrive?

Whatever the walls are, let's figure it out. Maybe a new perspective could shed some light on things. Am I saying we have the answer?--- Maybe. And maybe not. Regardless, I'm willing to do the research to find out who or what does.

​Business Assistant & Sub/Staffing

Wanting more support with...D. All of the above?

Or maybe it's just some. Either way, this is one of the main reasons why I would love to be an aid of support for your business projects & it's services.

We're here to fill the holes in the schedule and to bring some more relief to you, your staff, and with peace of mind in general...

                         -D. All of the above.

With 'Thee Business Aid' you have an Ace up your sleeve. Let's get the job done.

Call us when you all are ready! :)

Questions? Please Use Our Chat Bubble!

Thanks for submitting!

Business Plans
& Time Frames

Thank you for exploring our site and your willingness to learn more about the plans. What works for you?

Book An In-Person Meetup
Overviewing our services here

Image by Olga Thelavart
Business Plans & Time Frames
Having  stability & security  is the best part about our business!

As mentioned above, the contracts that you receive with each business plan all have a set time frame.

stable time frame of how long you would like support! 

*Three Plans To Choose From: 
  •  6 Months - Basic Plan 
  •  3 Months - Executive Plan 
  •  1 Year - Advanced Plan 

" Business Plans
With A Set Time Frame?" 


Plans To Choose,
The options to have stability & security in knowing how long your business is going to have support.

Option(s) you say? That's right.

Can you imagine if landlords let their tenants move in and out without a contract?
The revolving door of tenants that can come and go as they please. You, as the land lord, not knowing how long they'll be there or won't be there
. Not knowing when people are coming or going...MAYBE they tell you a couple weeks ahead of time.

IF you're lucky. And, most times you're not.

Why do that to your self? But - it's what you're doing now -

 ( the outdated form of employment )...The chaos.


Yes, really.

THE Constant revolving door of employees

At YOUR incredible business - is not looking so "incredible".
Image by Olga Thelavart
Image by Jamie Street
I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but right now - You're the taxi.


You are...and it's not a good look. 

And since we're being upfront, in all seriousness - your clientele are judging you for it.

Which is even worse

I mean, you didn't know that? Wow.
The anxiety of not knowing how long WHO in your employment will be with you or what new personality you'll have to acclimate to all over 
again...must be crushing.

At the back of your mind all the time...Cannot be good for your health and well being (Physical & Emotional).

Wouldn't you rather
avoid that level of stress if you could? Well, you can...

Take a break. Book a "Lyft" #TBA.
-Founder of TBA
 1st Month is OFF Contract for all plans 

'Advanced Plan' has 2*Months OFF Contract!

Where you can discontinue at anytime.

We know this is your business
 and because of that you have full control.

During that time, you are able to gage if this is the type of service that is best suited for you & your business...

YOU get to decide & YOU choose to renew.

Why Purchase
A Plan?

Thank you for exploring our site and your willingness to learn more about the plans. What works for you?

Book An In-Person Meetup
Overviewing our services here


Image by Torsten Dederichs


In-Person Meetup Overviewing Our Services
Image by Meg Sanchez
Image by Natalya Zaritskaya

Business Plans
& Time Frames

Thank you for exploring our site and your willingness to learn more about the plans. What works for you?

Book An In-Person Meetup
Overviewing our services here


Jump In!

Business Plans & Pricing

Choose which 'Business Plan' works best for you! 1st Month is OFF*contract! Easy.

 Submit ALL Plan 'Deposit' Amount(s) HERE 
*FYi: 50% OFF All Site 'Business Plans' if you give the other half to 'Big Brothers Big Sisters'* - Please Inquire! Thank you (*excluding deposits)
SUBSCRIBE to our 'Basic Plan
SUBSCRIBE to THEE 'Executive Plan'
SUBSCRIBE to our 'Advanced Plan'

Tailored to you and your business's needs
View 'Business Plans' Policy / Terms & Conditions here

Thank You!

Family in Pool

Need help catching up? Catching up on your business's mundane administrative work? Short-handed on staff with extra tasks that need to be completed? Would assistance on a regular basis with business upkeep & organization do you some good? Staffing/Subbing, Even marketing, e-Commerce & Project Collaboration? Look no further!

Our network is here to help.



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