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Colorful Beach
Writer's pictureThee Business Aid

Thee Motivation Behind #iluvTBA

Updated: Aug 20, 2023

I founded this start-up, for a multitude of reasons ...

But, mainly as a partial fundraiser for kid's mental health services.

I, personally, had a lot of emotional struggles growing up as a kid and so over the pandemic I had my own self reflection where I decided I wanted to incorporate my own skill-set(s) (via an LLC) in order to more closely align with the areas in my life that matter the most to me - which is providing more emotional support for kids.

Overall, just allocating more resources and more support for the youth* in our communities.

And in doing so, also working towards that aim in lieu of finishing the work on my other business(s) that have similar functions; albeit different entrepreneurial approaches.

Some of which comprise the many avenues of my numerous skillsets into philanthropic endeavors.

Most notably, the business plans #iluvTBA has to offer and that other community members/ business owners may be interested in!

When contracting labor, or any other form of support for your business, our plans (i.e contracts)* provide you the opportunity to more closely align with providing support in areas in your community that serve your own personal wants in terms of community philanthropy.

Something that the outdated form of employment does NOT offer.

Community philanthropy while also securing labor and other necessary services for your business that work towards generating more revenue for your company in the long and short term via our plans that are specified time frames.

*3 Plans Total. Basic, Executive & Advanced...

A six month, three month, and one year plan. Some with more hours each month, others with a deposit for assurance purposes for both parties, and even incredibly useful *BONUSES to boot!

Some of these *BONUSES even include up to 85% OFF on the 'Additional Hours' cost when you book TBA at Full Time!

And what makes #iluvTBA special…

That sets us apart from other businesses, and why you should choose to go with one of our plans for your staffing needs is...

Our built in Tax Break Incentive and specified timeframes for labor with our plans. That not present in the regular outdated form of employment,

So when you decided to give the other half to 'Big Brothers Big Sisters' (BBBS) and collaborate with #iluvTBA...

You receive a built in savings plan that also secures labor for your business for a set time, that is privately contracted, and can think ahead for the long-term vs. the short term.

Now that’s smart!

View more of our *innovative Staffing opportunities--> Here!

This is one of the key reasons we set out to form our business plans. In order to collaborate with other business owners that are willing to form long standing partnerships with #iluvTBA that aid in their own company's pursuits in business and are, at the same time, willingness to give back to their communities.

All of this to cultivate community engagement amongst local business owners where you receive 50% OFF our business's avenues & plans when you choose to give the other half to 'Big Brothers Big Sister (BBBS)* (your business receives the tax deductible info).

In order to network & create mental health fund(s) for the youth in our communities.

I would like these funds to be managed directly* by (BBBS); the incredible organization that I volunteer with from time to time.

Though this project is completely independent* from (BBBS) - I know there are others out there like me that would also love to help. So here we are!

Lets form a network of support for the youth in our community via our collaboration in business where half of your purchase goes to BBBS.

Thank you for stopping by and reading this over! Please reach out & I look forward to connecting with you. #iluvTBA


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